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HC-05 Module 6Pin Bluetooth 5.0 Dual Mode Data Module-MY-BT102-D

MY-BT102-D is Bluetooth development kit for Bluetooth 5.0 Dual Mode Module HY-BT102 testing. It could replace HC-05 Module, the 6PIN Board could easy for Bluetooth testing.

● MY-BT102-D is a Bluetooth evaluation board for the Bluetooth 5.0 module MY-BT102. it is 6pin TTL board, it provides 6 pin serials with BLM-BT102 (STATUS, RXD, TXD, GND, VCC, KEY), customer could power on or connection with their MCU directly. And the board function is same as HC-05 Bluetooth Module, could replace this module directly.


 ● Compare with separated bluetooth modules, with MY-BT102 EVALUATION board is much more convenient & easy for users to test their products. Time saving, and ensuring the safety.


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